Sermon Series- The Kingdom of God: Knowing the King and Living as People of the King
Sermon Series / Sermon Series: The Kingdom of God
Jesus’ Inauguration of His Ministry: Rejecting the King at Nazareth
Sarah Bollinger
January 29, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 4:14-30
Signs of the Kingdom: Abundance and Calm
Pastor Phil Bollinger
February 19, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 8:22-26 & 9:10-17
Signs of the King: Power over Death
Pastor Phil Bollinger
February 26, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 7:11-17 & 8:40-56
Also included after the sermon is Myron and Doreen Miller’s sharing about their recent trip.
The King’s Calling and Embrace
Pastor Phil Bollinger
March 5, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 5:27-32 & 7:36-50
Kingdom Living: It’s a Matter of the Heart
Tom Turley
March 26, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 11:37-54
An Empty Tomb- The Risen King!
Pastor Phil Bollinger
April 9, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 24:1-12
Asking, Seeking, Knocking: Learning from Jesus’ Prayer
Pastor Phil Bollinger
April 23, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 11:1-13
A Surprising Kingdom
Pastor Phil Bollinger
May 21, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 13:18-21 & 14:15-23
Zacchaeus and the Blind Beggar: Exemplary God-Seekers
Sarah Bollinger
June 18, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 18:35-19:10
Jesus Meets Us Where We Are: Then and Now
Amaris Allan
June 25, 2023
Scripture Reference: Luke 24:36-53