Advancing the Kingdom of God

Sermon Series  /  Advancing the Kingdom of God


God is On the Move

Pastor Amanda Rohrer

September 26, 2021

We are beginning our next series, which will take us through till Thanksgiving. It continues our yearly theme of The Kingdom of God is Here. […]

Gospel Power

Pastor Steve Mann

October 10, 2021

How often do I say with my lips that Jesus saves, but in my heart and the way I go about life communicate a radically different message? […]

Love Metric

Myron Miller

October 17, 2021

Our love–our unity–within the body of believers is the vehicle that harnesses the power of the Gospel and takes it into the world. Communion is a way we can hold both our confession and our love together.

… Through People

Pastor Amanda Rohrer

October 31, 2021

We are called to partner with God in the Advancement of His Kingdom. This is growing the church young, but investing in people is not always easy even if it is our given mandate in the book of Genesis: “be fruitful and multiply”.