News & Updates

Sermon Series for the New Year

We are now in the season of Epiphany. Epiphany begins with the Feast of Epiphany (Jan. 6), celebrating the coming of magi to visit Jesus, and lasts until Ash Wednesday. The word epiphany comes from a Greek verb phainein and means "to cause to appear" or "to bring...

Advent Sermon Series- Beginning Dec 1, 2024

Advent is a time of waiting, of longing, and of expectation. Over the next four Sundays of Advent, we will explore the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Join us as we look at God's trustworthy promises and prepare, like Mary, for the birth of the coming child. I...

New Sermon Series- Beginning July 7, 2024

In July, we will be launching into our new sermon series, "Trustworthy Words." This series will be looking at foundational truths that Scripture establishes for understanding ourselves, our world, and God. We will be looking at significant texts in Genesis, Exodus,...

New Sermon Series- Beginning April 14, 2024

Join us for a new sermon series beginning April 14th, Wisdom for the Journey- Lessons for Life from the book of James. I think of the book of James as being a lot like the book of Proverbs offering practical wisdom for us. As we journey through it over the course of...

New Sermon Series- Beginning January 2024

Over the next 10 weeks, as we journey in the Christian calendar from the celebration of the birth of Christ to remembering his death and rejoicing in his resurrection, we will be turning our attention to the life and ministry of Jesus. Specifically, we will be...

Easter Week Services

Come join us for a special Maundy-Thursday service (4/6) at 6pm. The service will include a simple meal, Communion, and foot washing. For our Easter Sunday Celebration (4/9), all are invited for light brunch and fellowship at 9 am followed by our Easter Service...

New Sermon Series

This month we are launching our new sermon series for the first half of 2023 entitled, “The Kingdom of God: Knowing the King and Living as People of the Kingdom.” Our study will explore the life and teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Come join us as we seek to...